There are many types of turf grasses, and some grow and thrive better in different regions of the country, depending on climate. Some turf grasses are also best suited for a specific use– from the rough and tumble traffic it can take on sports fields, to the luxurious feel of walking barefoot on a thick carpet of backyard lawn.
Turf Grasses fall into two basic categories, depending on climate:
- Warm Season Turf Grasses: These Turf grasses thrive in hot, humid climates in the South. Varieties include:
- Bahia
- Bermuda Grass
- Buffalograss
- Carpetgrass
- Centipede
- St. Augustine Grass
- Zoysia
- Cool Season Turf Grasses: Grow well in less intense summer weather in the North include:
- Bentgrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Red Fescue
- Annual and Perennial Ryegrass
There are also Transition Zone Turf Grasses that can grow and thrive in between both warm and cool climate regions. These grasses include:
- Cool Season crossovers:
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Tall Fescue
- Warm Season crossover:
- Zoysia
Some varieties of Turf Grasses are tougher than others and can withstand heavy foot traffic and recovery from stress on the Sports Field. The following are typically chosen for athletic fields based on all the above factors and climate:
- Football Fields
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Tall Fescue
- Baseball Fields
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Blended Mixes: Ryegrass/Bluegrass
- Bermuda Grass
- Soccer Fields: Require smooth surface without damage so the ball can bounce off its “true course.” Grasses with good response include:
- Bermuda Grass
- Tall Fescues
- Bermudas
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Golf Courses Turf grasses that are durable, take abuse from golfers, and are drought resistant include:
- Bermuda grass (hearty, well-suited to southern climates)
- Bent grass (loves cooler nights in Northeast, most of Midwest and Pacific Northwest. Also requires minimal water, which saves money on irrigation.)
Some Turf Grasses are more Drought Tolerant than others, and require less watering, saving money on the water bill:
- Bermuda Grass
- Fescue Grass
- Bahia Grass
- St. Augustine grass
Finally, when it comes to pure feel, the Best Grass for Walking Barefoot would have to be Zoysia Grass. It’s soft and lush, a plush emerald carpet to play on, or just lie back on and do some stargazing.
Whether using Turf Grasses in warm climates or cool climates in different regions of the country, there’s one common denominator when it comes to maintaining and nurturing their health. Using site specific ET Everywhere, the most precise, high-resolution weather data available to control a single site or an entire portfolio of sites. Smart irrigation will not only nurture and maintain the emerald beauty of any athletic field or lawn, but it has also been proven to reduce water waste by only watering when it’s necessary—which saves time, resources, and money.