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30% Water reduction +

ROI in under 3 years =

Sustainability win

HydroPoint solutions help companies reduce water use, exceed sustainability and ESG goals, and achieve an average ROI of less than three years by providing smart irrigation systems, water use visibility, and leak monitoring.

Not your average water management

HydroPoint offers real-time water data that keeps your business flowing. Our smart irrigation, leak monitoring, and water use analytics technology is proven to reduce water use — and make your organization a sustainability champion.

  • 30% outdoor water use savings
  • Equates to a reduction in GHG footprint
  • Water use data for sustainability reporting
  • Real-time notifications of leaks or breaks

Ready to start saving water?

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Lowe's reduces water use with WeatherTRAK
Take control of your outdoor water use

As much as 50% of the water used for outdoor watering is lost due to inefficient irrigation systems, so many companies tackle this low-hanging fruit first.

Track and manage water use with real-time visibility and control

The WaterCompass service provides real-time leak notifications and water use visibility and reporting — helping your organization eliminate water waste and operate more efficiently.